Instrument: vocalcords
Contact: Send mail to Trollmannen

Life is a sexually transmitted disease with a hundred percent lethality.

All in all, I cant say I believe in God. If, in fact, I ever found out that he does indeed exist, I think I`ll stay away from him, because if he`s responsible for half of the things he gets credit for, he`s got to be one mean son of a bitch!
Peter Gethers

God is silent, now if only we can get Man to shut up!
Woody Allen

Life is a sexually transmitted disease with a hundred percent lethality.

If you keep your mind sufficiently open, people will throw a lot of rubbish into it.
William A. Orton

I don`t believe we are related to monkeys, none of my uncles are monkeys for instance.
Marie, 5 years old

We shall continue to have a worsening ecologic crisis untill we reject the christian axiom that nature has no reason for existence save to serve man.
Lynn White jr.

We must respect the other fellows religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart.